Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Leggo the Ego

Season 2 of Top Chef: Just Desserts premiered last week.  Holy egolamania!  There are a few cheftestants with some egos that need to be checked at the door!  I've always been a believer in letting your work and skills speak for themselves.  Unless you're put in a position where you feel you need to defend your work, it's probably best to keep it professional and respectful. 

It was difficult to get a sense of each chef's skill sets since the show focused so much on the center pieces that they had to create.  From the looks of it, this season may be center/show piece driven.  I really hope that's not the case.  For me, it's much more entertaining and intriguing to watch the chef's create plated desserts.  Show pieces are great and all, but if that's what I wanted to see, then I'd be watching Food Network Challenge.  I don't mind watching them put together show pieces, but I just hope that it doesn't become the focus for this season.  Below are pictures of my two favorite show pieces from the episode (the first show piece won).

Little Red Riding Hood

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

It seems that there's quite a bit of talent on this season, too.  From what I've seen, there are a few chefs that seem to be on the top tier out of the contestants.  Of course, with the little airtime that the plated desserts received, it'll be interesting to see how things play out.  So far, my favorites to win are Sally Camacho, Orlando Santos, and Chris Hanmer.  Tough to single one out as my favorite to win it all, but we shall see if this changes after watching another episode on tomorrow night!

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